

Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: DC-SimRacing

DC-SimRacing has been a host on the SimGrid platform for over two years. A well-established community thoroughly worth your attention, let’s learn more about them.

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Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: SimRacingAcademy

Founded over two years ago, SimRacingAcademy is another of The SimGrid’s most popular hosts. It regularly holds sprint and endurance events at a high level, yet, is only run by one admin.

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Performance Analyses On SRO Esports Spa 24h

Many people may not know this, but SimGrid is a significant partner of SRO Esports and a lot of SimGrids technology is used in the background to make these events run smoothly. One of these technologies used is its performance analysis tool, which measures data and gives in-depth statistics between

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