Enabling “Grid Rating Requirements” allows Hosts to restrict users of specific Grid Rating categories to register. The requirements can be set event-wide, or you can have different requirements for different classes in your event.
Global Requirements
To enable this, simply tick the “Grid Rating Required” box on the “Setup” tab of your event.
If you tick any of the Grid Rating categories here, then this will be applied to the entire event. The categories that you tick, will be the categories that you’re allowing to register, and any un-ticked categories will be prevented from registering.
Please note that selecting all 4 categories will clear the selection when you save the setting as selecting all categories is the same as not putting any restrictions in place.

Cars & Classes Requirements
If you leave the categories blank on “Setup”, then on the “Cars & Classes” tab you can set the requirements for each class. For example, you could have a class that will only accept Rookies or a class that will accept all except Pro etc.

If you have set class restrictions as above, then a user will only be able to register to class(es) where their Grid Rating category is permitted.
This works for team events as well. In the image below, the selected team profile has drivers in the Rookie, Intermediate and Semi Pro Grid Rating categories. Therefore, the team is eligible to select those classes and register a team, but the Pro class is not available because the team doesn’t have any driver with a Pro Grid Rating.

If using “Grid Rating Requirement” for team events, then please note that the “Fixed Driver Lineup” setting will toggle on and must be used. This setting is required in order to ensure that when the team registers to the event that the selected drivers are eligible.