
Community Spotlight: EoS E-Sport


In today’s Community Spotlight we bring you to the Italian endurance paradise, EoS E-Sport. The community has been active for the past three and a half years, specialising in longer races. EoS E-Sport also has a special focus on collecting data, building rankings and systems of ratings, all aspects that we know pretty well here at SimGrid

Who Is Behind EoS E-Sport?

EoS E-Sport started its activity three and a half years ago. Carlo D’Orazio, who sat down with us to have a little chat about his community, joined forces with his friend Gianluca De Luca and started to build EoS E-Sport. “We wanted to create an endurance championship with longer races (6+ hours) – Carlo told us – We were looking for a simple system which could help us in the organisation of events. We started our affiliation with SimGrid around two years ago and here we are”.

Carlo and Gianluca are still in charge of the community, but they get a lot of helping hands from both their collaborators and members of the EoS E-Sport racing team. “Everything runs fine thanks to the help coming from other guys such as Fabio Genio, Adriano Gregorelli and Marco Barbieri. We also have an EoS E-Sport branded racing team and our drivers help us in departments such as graphics and social media management”.

Building A Network Between Communities

In years of experience, EoS E-Sport admins got a clear idea about what is needed to build a proper community. “The two most important things for a community should be having a ranking system able to manage incident reports and penalties. Also, building a sense of mutual loyalty with racers is crucial to make sure that grids are filled as much as possible until the final races of a championship”, Carlo explained.

In their minds, they want to expand beyond their community, creating a strong connection with other communities. “We have a lot of projects. I can tell you that we are working to create an international system to increase the cooperation between different communities. For example, if someone receives continuous penalties that lead to a suspension, another community could acknowledge that by simply joining our ranking system”.

Usually there is mainly competition between different communities. Laying the foundation for a cooperation is definitely an interesting perspective that we rarely see among admins. But that is part of the spirit of the affiliation system at SimGrid.

A Community Focused On Endurance Racing

As we already anticipated, EoS E-Sport is mainly focussed on endurance racing. That has been the approach since the early days of the community, and it looks like the trend will not stop here. “We were born as an endurance community, so that format is clearly our main focus”, Carlo told us. But he did not rule out future sprint championships. “Maybe in the future we will host more sprint championships. We are always looking for new collaborators who could help us expand our racing offer”.

Taking a look at the dedicated host page, the endurance spirit is definitely there. But there is more. We managed to get an anticipation, but it looks like we will have to wait for the full details. “We are also working on a long endurance race, hosted on SimGrid of course, that no one has ever made. But I can’t tell you more right now”.


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